I Don’t Do Rain


Who’s with me on this?

It has been raining and drizzling and cold here in Houston for a week and a half!!! I don’t do rain or wet. Today I went outside and saw the sun for the first time in forever. Mom even took me out today for a car ride. I have not had a car ride in far too long. Unfortunately, the car ride resulted in my going to a place that gave me a bath and trimmed my nails. It was not too bad, though. The people there were really nice to me. Mom and Dad think I smell really good right now. Personally, I can not wait to go roll around outside in the yard and regain my beautiful doggie smell. But first I’ve got to wait until the grass dries. Sigh……… #spoileddoggieproblems


My name is Rocky and I wanted to start a blog so that I can share my adventures with you. Let me tell you a little about myself. I am a six-year-old rescue dog that is grateful for the wonderful life that I have been given. I live with my Mom & Dad and a cat named Sami. I am a chiweenie: half chihuahua-half mini dachshund. I have traveled around the United State with my Mom & Dad, and I can’t wait until our next adventure. Until then, I can share my past adventures as well as my every day life with you on my blog.

Be ready for some super cute pictures of yours truly and lots of other doggie-related fun stuff. What could be a better way to share my awesomeness with everyone? Stay tuned for more!